吃火锅加炸葱,烫头浓郁更一流!但是原来让味道“浓郁”的功臣不是炸葱,而是炸小强,你会怎样?! 网友分享日前到NSK的火锅店吃东西,在差不多吃完的时候,竟然发现炸葱里有两只baby蟑螂在里头!!!!!! 是蟑螂! 而且是和炸葱一起炸一起炒的!!!!!



Holy shit be careful when you guys eat 炸葱 “bawang goreng, fried onion” at NSK Citarasa. I put few scoop into my steamboat pot already and when I going to finish my meal, my sis found 2 baby cockroaches in her 炸葱 sauce plate. I literally stopped my meal and feeling wanted to puke on the spot. I HAVE NO MORE APPETIDE TO CONTINUE EATING. PLEASE GUYS DONT EAT BAWANG GORENG AT NSK CITARASA AND BECAREFUL WHEN YOU GUYS EAT OUTSIDE’S GORENG BAWANG
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来源: shinmeili