好多女人都想留着一头长发,然后做一个大大的卷发,长卷发更多了几分优雅成熟感,侧分长刘海烫出卷翘的线条,摆动在精致的脸蛋两旁,优雅而柔美。 有些脸型配上空气刘海后,不仅增添了几分甜美气息更是起到了很好的修颜作用。看到这么美的长卷发,只想说赶紧留长发吧!


Long & Wavy


wavy long hair

The magic dust that gives you texture, volume, and hold.

Overnight No Heat Beachy Waves: 1.) Wash your hair at night. 2.) When your hair is almost dry, twist your hair into a bun and pin it. 3.) Spray Hairspray on your twisted bun. 4.) Go to sleep. 5.) Unwrap your hair from the bun when it's completely dry. 6.) Scrunch Wave Enhancing Spray into your hair. *TIP*: Spray some dry shampoo onto your scalp. It will add more volume & texture to your hair!