THE SOLOIST Salon赢过Best hair color service for Malaysian women’s weekly annual spa award 2015 和 Best hair treatment service for Harper bazaar~真的太棒棒哒 ❤
来~现在小编介绍THE SOLOIST Salon其中两名猛将~
1. Nicholas Chua
原来他是Redken Artist Malaysia~在这行有超资深的经验呢!不说不知道,原来他曾经赢过Winner of the Redken idol competition,真的超厉害的!大大小小的magazine拍摄、封面、hair show and backstage fashion show 都难不倒他!
由他的巧手打造出来的发型,都让人有眼前一亮的感觉!还有还有,他曾经赢过Finalist of the Beauty innovator award和Certificate of outstanding creation (ESTETICA INTERNATIONAL NETWORK)的大奖呢!小编想说,剪染烫对他来说绝对都不是问题!