日前,一名来自双威大学学院就读的华裔男学生,Marcus Khoo 在个人面子书上发表了一则有关他在学院附近险遭遇的绑架危险。帖子还在短时间内被网民迅速分享好让大家提高警觉。
5月28 日傍晚大约7时30分,Marcus 如常的从附近的Anwar Maju 嘛嘛档步行回学院。在抵达学院后,Marcus才发觉自己遗留了学生证在餐厅内,Marcus 便赶紧餐厅里寻找。寻回学生证的Marcus便再次步行回去学院。
在 他步行到合浦餐厅(Hopp Restaurant)时, 一名年龄介于50岁,脸上有胡子的印裔男子向他走来表示自己被抢劫了。身上的财物已被抢走,身无分文地拿着一张待付的Maxis电话帐单向Marcus求 助。男子还特地拿出自己的身份证及电话单给Marcus过目。可是机智的Marcus表示自己开始感到疑惑,并提高了自己的防备,因为男子手拿的 Maxis电话帐单登记州属为彭亨州,而且夜色已晚附近的电话店也已经关店。Marcus便起疑心怀疑这名男子怎么可能要在这个时候偿还不是吉隆坡登记的 电话账单呢?
身 为一个好公民, Marcus立即表示自己帮不上忙,请男子到警察局寻求帮助。在回答完毕后,Marcus立即拔腿就跑,赶紧离开危险之地。在跑回学院的过程 中,Marcus 曾经转回头看改名男子,而该男子正在使用手提电话拨打给别人。一个被人抢劫的男子竟然还有一部电话可以使用?那如果男子有手提电话可以使用,为什么不先向 家人或是朋友打电话,而是向一个完全陌生的学院生求助?
Marcus 的第一个感觉就是那个印裔男子是来自绑架组织的,便立即疯狂地加紧脚步跑回学院,看见自己抵达学院了才放下心来。Marcus 也藉此短文希望可以提高大众的危险意识,并时刻保持警惕小心的心态。
Marcus Khoo在个人面子书发表的原文:
Approximately 7.30pm, I was walking back alone from a mamak(Anwar Maju) near Nadayu residence. I reached college, realizing that I left my student ID. I went back to the restaurant, luckily it was there. Then I continued walking back.
Before I reached Hopp Restaurant, there is an Indian guy, 50years old, with mustache approached me, asking for help. He said his bag got snached when he planned to pay his bill and he showed me his IC with his hand holding a Maxis bill. On the bill, it was registered some other states, Pahang, if I’m not wrong.
I felt weird as its 7.30 , there is no maxis shop nearby and he wants to pay his bill. Also it was registered some other states?
I ask him to look seek police for help. I immediately run, however I turned back to see if my instinct was right. He was calling someone. Got robbed but with a phone? How possible can you ask a stranger’s help instead of calling up your family/ friends first?
I had a feeling that he was from some kidnapping syndicate. I ran like mad and reached college safely.
I wish that not only sunway students but everyone will be aware of this.Kindly share for a safer community.