根据诗华日报的报导,国外一名女子和所养的黄金猎犬 Sparrow 玩耍时,原本很兴奋的 Sparrow 突然停下动作,只是静静看着她长达 5 分钟,还不断闻着她的气味,让女子感到十分疑惑。
影片可见,女子把 Sparrow 最爱的玩偶丢过去,然而 Sparrow 却完全不为所动,只是靠在她身旁,静静凝视着她:“我的服务犬突然停了下来,大约 5 分钟,而且表现得很奇怪,我试图让它继续玩,可是它拒绝,因为它知道出状况了。”
女子表示,原来身为服务犬的 Sparrow 提早察觉她的健康有异状、试图提醒她躺下,没多久她就出现晕眩症状,整个人倒在地上。
而受过专业训练的 Sparrow 一直陪在她身旁,舔着她的脸以免她晕了过去,大约 10 分钟后,狗狗才示意她可以起身。
@servicedog.sparrow *GENUINE ALERT CAPTURED REAL TIME* I was filming my (service) dog playing like a puppy then she suddenly stops about 5 minutes in and starts acting strange! I tried to get her to keep playing but she refused, she knew something was wrong. Turns out I was heading into pre-syncope which often results in long episodes or fainting if I don’t realise or do something quickly enough (sometimes its not possible either). 🦮 Sparrow is my #servicedog and is trained to respond to tiny changes in my body chemistry (detected by scent) and little behavioural cues/physiological changes and either *alert* me ahead of time (like she did here) or *respond* if I go into a pre-syncopal episode to help mitigate the worst of the symptoms (retrieve water, medication, keep me “with it”) or assist if I pass out (bring me round, get help from my partner, calm me down as I come round until I’m ok to get up). What is Pre-Syncope? #Syncope itself refers to passing out/fainting. So #presyncope is by definition “before fainting”, i.e. the feeling of when you’re about to faint. But with some medical conditions, it can happen on it’s own without fully losing consciousness and can last long periods of time. Symptoms include: • Nausea/vomiting • Blurred/tunnel vision (or lost) • Tremor/shaking • Clamminess/sweating • Legs buckling, weakness • Palpitations and heart racing • Ears ringing/hearing muffled (or lost) • Dizziness/lightheadedness • Feeling hot and cold simultaneously And many more. It can come on slowly or ridiculously fast, and occur without warning or in response to a trigger like heat, standing still, infection, humidity. In short, its HORRIBLE. Like the worst travel sickness combined with the stomach flu. #Fainting or #passingout can actually be a relief during pre-syncope. 😵 #DysautonomiaAwareness #NeurocardiogenicSyncope #VasovagalSyncope #PresyncopeAttack #ServiceDog #ServiceDogsPlayToo #servicedogtasking #Servicedogalert #itsmeimtheproblem #hiitsmeimtheproblem #ServiceDogSparrow #AssistanceDog #AssistancedogTask ♬ Oh No – Kreepa
- “服务犬真的是太伟大了”
- “不管看过多少支服务犬的影片,它们像超级英雄一样的能力总是会让我震惊”
- “狗狗的眼神就像是在说,『我现在在工作,快点躺下来』”
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