➠ 最Realの山海经神话手游 《山海情缘》 火热上线中 🔥 团队PVP + 神兽坐骑全等你称霸!



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Hello, outside world! / 2 weeks in the hospital, though it’s inappropriate to say, it has been a beautiful pleasant longest stay, or the most heart-felt vacation I’ve ever had I would say. / These days having not only my long-awaited relaxing ‘breakfast on bed’ in the sunny morning, but also lunch, dinner, every meal, movies, chats, exercises, basically everything on bed. Thus making this morning a little different, as I’ll be leaving the pinkish little ward and waving goodbye to all doctors, nurses & neighbours who have been with me throughout this tough journey of recovery. / Everyone who comes and goes, especially some who comes again and again, left me true happiness inside the heart no matter how often my wounds were there reminding I’m in deep pain. Thank you for the love and care. / Don’t get me wrong, I’m not reluctant to leave. I’m so looking forward to get back home and settle down, with 3 dogs greeting at the door. It’s just, I stood up again here. I learned so much here. Won’t be back if there isn’t a need, but the beautiful memories stay with me as I move on. It’s definitely safe to say, I’m a stronger me now. / Rolling out the room, “Goodbye, Ward 2C-01” / #JLRecoveryDiary #JoeyLeongJournal

A post shared by J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪 (@joey_leong) on




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💉 Discharged from hospital on Saturday. Admitted to hospital again on Sunday. / Woke up feeling dizzy, vomiting & having a bad stomach pain. Had fever the whole night yesterday. It was totally the toughest day fighting against all sickness. I never felt weak in the past two weeks after my both legs got burned, I only felt pain but healthy with my smile hanging on my face at most times. But yesterday, I was weak. I lost my smile. / Lying on the bed in the ward typing this. Feeling slightly better today. For those who sent me congratulatory messages for being discharged, I’m sorry that I’m back again. / No worries, I will be healthy soon. 辛苦了,媽咪 #JLRecoveryDiary #JoeyLeongJournal

A post shared by J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪 (@joey_leong) on



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A post shared by J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪 (@joey_leong) on


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A post shared by J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪 (@joey_leong) on


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A post shared by J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪 (@joey_leong) on

➠ 最Realの山海经神话手游 《山海情缘》 火热上线中 🔥 团队PVP + 神兽坐骑全等你称霸!



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